NIKNAK * FAST this is the excerpt
CODDIWOMPLE SECRET CORNERS Tales on favourite spots by our network of fem人le musicians HEEJIN JANG WITH ABSENCE WITHOUT PRESENCE Your absences are still with us as sound.We replay you in the endless loop. At the very narrow alley in Itaewon in Seoul, Korea, in the …
NIKNAK * FAST this is the excerpt
ZUIHITSU QUIRKY THOUGHTS COLLECTION Essays, personal stories and curiosities from our guest fem人le contributors DIANA LOLA POSANI: SCREAM AS IF YOUR ORGANS WERE MADE OF GLASS (English translation) Un giorno qualsiasi del 1840, la principessa Alexandra Amelie di Bavaria viene trovata a camminare lateralmente attraverso …
ZUIHITSU QUIRKY THOUGHTS COLLECTION Essays, personal stories and curiosities from our guest fem人le contributors DIANA LOLA POSANI: SCREAM AS IF YOUR ORGANS WERE MADE OF GLASS (Versione italiana) One day in 1840, Princess Alexandra Amelie of Bavaria was found walking sideways through the corridors of …
NIKNAK * FAST this is the excerpt
GUYUB MUSIC SCENES Local experimental scenes introduced by our network of fem人le musicians SCARLETT ROSE THOUGHTS ON TORONTO’S DIY SCENE AND A LOOK BACK IN TIME I grew up in downtown Toronto in 1993, so my city has changed a lot. These days I find …
CODDIWOMPLE SECRET CORNERS Tales on favourite spots by our network of fem人le musicians BRIDGET FERRILL KRÜLLSSTRAßE: PARTING WITH A VESSEL In the process of moving out of my studio apartment, I archived the special corners, treasures, and bits of life. Here it is as a …