Paola Ribeiro is an artist, singer and researcher living and working in São Paulo, SP – Brazil. Her current investigation is the expansion of the body through the voice and the ways of listening and experiencing the resonances of the body in the space. The developments of Paola`s research are articulated through the intertwining of languages such as music, video and  performance.
With a Master’s Degree in Scenic Aesthetics and Poetics at the Art Department University of São Paulo State (UNESP)  and  BA in Visual Arts  at the University Center of Belas Artes, Sao Paulo, she joined group  exhibitions and festivals such as  “Festival Novas Frequências to 34a Bienal de São Paulo – BR ” (2021), SESC JAZZ- Radio Diaspora Cachaça Ensemble – SP BR “(2021),  “Dizer Não” no Atelê 397 (2021),  “Dystopie : Sound art festival” –  Berlim/DE (2020), “Ta me vendo? Ta me ouvindo?” na Casa Niemeyer (2020/2021),  “Novas Frequências – Ano X – SP/ BR“ (2020),